When you need to share a comforting thought, Vancouver Red Rose can help you select an appropriate Sympathy flower option for the home, office, service or cemetery. We offer same-day flower delivery.
Let this exquisite Sympathy bouquet deliver your sincere condolences at this time of loss and sadness. An always-appropriate mixed bouquet of white roses, carnations, gladioli, football chrysanthemums, LA hybrid lilies,...
This lovely all white floral bouquet symbolizes innocence, purity and hope. A glass vase holds white hydrangeas, white roses, white Gerbera daisies and white alstroemeria. Delicate greens and a white...
The Sincere Embrace Bouquet is an arrangement of calla lilies, paired with soft pink roses and an assortment of greenery to express your sincere sympathy. These flowers are perfectly hand...
The Memorable Moments Bouquet is a wonderful way to convey your condolences for their loss. Bright yellow gerbera daisies and spray roses are radiant arranged amongst green hypericum berries and myrtle...
The Pink Rose Bouquet is a graceful expression of blushing beauty to convey your deepest sympathies for their loss. Our finest pastel pink roses are perfectly accented with seeded eucalyptus...
Remember a loved one's generous heart with this red floral arrangement in a classic heart shape, a declaration of eternal love and devotion. Solid red roses matched with deep red...
This Bouquet is a sweet and blushing remembrance of the life and love of the deceased. White roses, pink Asiatic lilies, burgundy carnations, fuchsia mini carnations, white spider chrysanthemums, Queen Anne's...
Elegant, dramatic, understated and sophisticated. This simple bouquet of calla lilies is bound to make a big impact celebrating a very Occasion in life. This arrangement does so with eloquence....
Elegant, dramatic, understated and sophisticated. This simple bouquet of calla lilies is bound to make a big impact celebrating a very Occasion in life. This arrangement does so with eloquence....