The Blue Rose Bouquet is a burst of vibrant color that adds that extra special touch to any occasion! Hand gathered, these bright blue hand-dyed roses offer an eye-catching look...
Bring timeless beauty to your home all year long. The innovative preservation process will keep your roses looking fresh, bright, and soft to the touch for 2 to 3 years after they arrive at your...
Our beautiful single long stemmed preserved roses make a wonderful and long lasting gift to suit any occasion. With a deep and vibrant color it is a 100% natural rose that...
A single preserved roses in a box makes a wonderful and long lasting gift to suit any occasion. With a deep and vibrant color it is a 100% natural rose that...
Our beautiful single long stemmed preserved roses make a wonderful and long lasting gift to suit any occasion. With a deep and vibrant color it is a 100% natural rose that...
Our beautiful single long stemmed preserved roses make a wonderful and long lasting gift to suit any occasion. With a deep and vibrant color it is a 100% natural rose...
Our beautiful single long stemmed preserved roses make a wonderful and long lasting gift to suit any occasion. With a deep and vibrant color it is a 100% natural rose...
Our beautiful single long stemmed preserved roses make a wonderful and long lasting gift to suit any occasion. With a deep and vibrant color it is a 100% natural rose...
Mini Preserved Single Roses in a crystal jewelry case—a stunning and unique way to showcase the beauty of preserved roses in a compact and elegant display. Each delicate rose is...